Shipping & Returns Policy

You may return all new, unused items within 30 days of purchase for a full refund, except all custom products (custom rope, custom chaps, etc.). Customers are responsible for all shipping costs on returns and exchanges . A full refund of the purchase price, excluding the shipping (shipping fees are NON refundable), will be made promptly upon receiving the merchandise in the same condition in which it was shipped (new). Please allow 4-6 business days to see your refund. If your item is damaged in transit, you are required to file a claim with the carrier. After 30 days of purchase if item is returned and still in brand new condition you will be given an in store credit for products returned (excluding shipping costs).

Rodeo is an intense sport, and we know things can get damaged while participating. Any damaged or defective products are subject for exchange within 10 days of purchase. Rodeo Wins is not required to fix any product related issues 10 days after purchase. After 10 days you may file a claim and submit evidence of the damaged/defective product attention: Claims Department. We will review the claim and respond via email.

Steps to doing a return/exchange:

Please put a copy of your invoice in with your package and write on it if you are doing an exchange or returning for a refund. If you are doing a exchange be sure to let us know what your are exchanging for.
Mail back the package to the return address below.
Once we receive your package we will follow instructions written on the top of your order.
Please put a copy of your invoice in with your package when you send your return/exchange to: